Everyone has heard the stereotype: The Chinese are terrible
drivers. I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it. It’s quite pervasive in the States.
And that’s where I come in. I am here dispute that stereotype, and ultimately
prove it both true and false. Yes, I realize that makes little to no sense, but
stick with me, and let’s take a frightening ride down the hectic streets of Xi’an.
First, let’s
hail a taxi. No, we can’t just walk up to the road, do you see those dividers?
Most of the roads in the city have tall metal dividers on the edges and middle
of the street to deter jaywalkers. Nevertheless, this street is going the wrong
way, so we are going to need to cross. If we just walk down a bit, aha, there’s
a break in the dividers. Crosswalks, you ask? Well, yes, they’re there, but
mostly ignored by driver and pedestrian alike. Alright, time to cross. What are
you looking at me like that for? You can’t just wait for a break in the
traffic; there is never, day or night, a break in the traffic. Well, unless a
truck tips over. That happens with odd frequency, probably because most of them
are trike buses. Ah, but I digress. Anyhow, have you ever played that old video
game Frogger? That little frog who would
cross heavy streams of traffic one lane at a time? Hmm, you’re looking a little
pale, I’ll take that as an affirmative. So now we just wait for a small break
in traffic in the lane directly in front of us, and, quick, run down one lane!
Stop! Stand right there. Try to ignore the cars whizzing in front and behind
you. Ready? Wait for a break, and one more lane over! Quick, one last lane. Oh!
Stare him down, you’ll have a better chance of him not hitting you! Whew,
alright. We’ve crossed the street. Now we can hail a cab.
Now, this
part should be familiar. Flag him down, give him the address, and get in the
cab. Fantastic. Alright, now we should be able to relax while he – Jeez, is he
really in between two lanes…and cutting in front of a bus? Crazy. However, this
is actually how the driving here works. The lanes are ignored, the signs are
ignored, and every car does their best to get to their destination as fast as
possible, regardless of signage, or petty things like running red light and
wiggling their way through oncoming traffic. Hey, one time, I even had one of
these drivers take us through a construction zone, an impossibly narrow path
under a bridge, and then shoot out into an intersection. We made excellent time
though. Ooh, by the look on your face I can tell this isn’t helping, but you
can trust me implicitly, I’ve spent a whole two weeks here. Huh, you don’t look
reassured. Just look out the window though, and watch how the cab driver
expertly weaves and twists through the traffic. Seriously, he could probably
tell me the dimensions of this car down to the centimeter judging by the way he
just squeezed it in between that biker and double-decker bus. Ah, here we are.
Told you we’d get here fast, didn’t I? Now just take a minute to watch the
traffic. Still looks ridiculously insane? Not so much. Accidents are rare, and
people drive here like a crowd of people walk, i.e. everyone speeding and
slowing down, slipping through gaps between groups of people. Well, now you
know the process. I’m sure you can do it on your own now, no problem. Good

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